I'm a yoga instructor based in Missoula, Montana. I’ve been practicing yoga for a little over a decade. I completed a 200-hr training with
Sistermoon Wellness in 2021 and a paddleboard yoga certification shotly afrer. I’m also a software engineer, writer, doodler, bullet journaler, and food system nerd. My practice has been informed by many teachers of various trades, circus arts, the eightfold path described in Patañjali's
Yoga Sūtras, the Ashtanga method of K. Pattabhi Jois, and a growing personal understanding of and resistance to the “attention economy.”
The fox represents playfulness, patience, and the centrality of interpersonal connection. In The Little Prince, the fox is an advocate for the sort of relationship that blossoms slowly, through honed attention and consistent effort. My yoga practice is rooted in these same qualities. We practice on our mats in large part to step off of them gracefully, and with the ability to be of service.